Tethys, the epic of a return to our roots
The research program
Assessing anthropogenic impact on erosion in the Alps
In a few words
The 'Critical Zone' (CZ), where rock, soil, water, and atmosphere meet, hosts most terrestrial life. Within it, chemical weathering of rocks influences climate, soil fertility, and water quality. The LAKE-SWITCH project, led by Dr. Mathieu Dellinger and funded by the European Union, aims to reconstruct variations in chemical weathering in the Alps since the Holocene (11,700 years ago) to understand human and climatic impacts on soils.
The Alps are sensitive to environmental disturbances, yet Alpine lakes provide valuable environmental archives. Analysis of lithium (Li) and strontium (Sr) isotopes in lake sediments helps trace the evolution of water geochemistry. The Tethys project, led by Dr. Alban Planchat, extends this research across the entire European Alpine arc with the objectives to:
quantify chemical weathering.
characterize water quality and sources of pollution.
calibrate geochemical relationships to trace the evolution of lacustrine waters.
Thus, the LAKE-SWITCH and Tethys projects aim to deepen our understanding of soil evolution in the Critical Zone of the Alps, from the Holocene to the Anthropocene.
The measurements and water samples
Every two weeks or so, I would go to a relay point to pick up a package with empty samples and send back to the EDYTEM laboratory at the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc a package with the recent filled samples. A meticulous logistics that was full of adventures!
The sampled lakes
During the outbound transit:
Neuchâtel 🇨🇭
Constance 🇨🇭🇩🇪
Starnberg 🇩🇪
Walchen 🇩🇪
Chiemsee 🇩🇪
Traunsee 🇦🇹
Wolfgangsee 🇦🇹
Mondsee 🇦🇹
Attersee 🇦🇹
During the journey:
Bohinj 🇸🇮
Bled 🇸🇮
Garde 🇮🇹
Iseo 🇮🇹
Côme 🇮🇹
Lugano 🇮🇹
Majeur 🇮🇹
Zurich 🇨🇭
Quatre-Cantons 🇨🇭
Thoune 🇨🇭
Brienz 🇨🇭
Léman 🇨🇭🇫🇷
Annecy 🇫🇷
Bourget 🇫🇷
Some background information
Here you will find the map of the 138 measurements and water samples that I had to carry out in the peri-alpine lakes and their main tributaries. The actual map of the measurements and samples taken during the trip is currently being produced. It will soon be shared on the site.
17 samples were taken along the outbound transit route, covering the entire northern part of the Alpine arc that I did not traverse during my journey, hiking and swimming. All other samples were collected during the odyssey.
All the samples taken during the epic are now stored at the EDYTEM laboratory at the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc and will soon be analyzed by the LAKE-SWITCH project team.
"Art and Science, commitment, perseverance, connection with the intimate in grounding reality, Alban's project brings together all the ingredients to embody the current environmental and social issues and share them with as many people as possible. A journey rich in perceptions and symbols to initiate conversations, from glaciers to lakes, from rivers to the sea. Beautiful Tethys!"
Christophe Cassou,
Climatologist and author-contributor to the IPCC,
One of the project's sponsors
A commitment
to the academic community
As a young climatologist, I aspire to practice and promote field research in geosciences that is respectful and directly engages with the natural environment, aiming to grasp concepts of vulnerability and humility in our investigations. Thus, I aim to create a short video alongside the documentary film for distribution in laboratories and at Montagnes & Sciences, to encourage exchanges and foster engagement within the scientific community.
"I am dedicated to developing sustainable, well-reasoned, and responsible research. I advocate for collaboration, constructive criticism, and commitment over competitiveness, assessment, and individualism in research. Let us set aside personal interests in favor of impartial yet ethical research. Let us foster cooperation and synergy, even beyond current funding limitations. Let us cultivate an approach centered on transparency, accessibility, and sharing. Let us respond to our relative ignorance with humility by nurturing our curiosity."
My commitments as a young climatologist
Here are some of my commitments as a young climatologist over the past few years, focusing on climate issues through education, awareness, and transforming the research system:
In 2024, founder of the association L’Écho des Horizons :
Developing creative communication methods at the science-society interface and raising awareness about climate and biodiversity issues
In 2024, co-founder of the association Les Sacoches du Climat :
Scientific outreach on climate and biodiversity issues via bicycle and tandem journeys led by researchers
Between 2023 and 2024, organizer of 8 conferences at the Department of Geosciences at ENS – PSL and IPSL:
"Share & Act" - Rethinking climate sciences in response to environmental crises
Since 2021, involved in Labos 1point5 :
Rethinking the research system in light of environmental and social challenges
From 2021 to 2023, teaching assistant at Sciences Po Paris on climate and the role of the ocean
In 2023, author of a short story on climate change in mountain regions and disruptions in the water cycle:
"Second souffle, mirage ou virage ?"
In 2022, co-organizer of 6 conferences at ESPCI Paris - PSL and IPSL:
My research
My research in climate science focuses on the carbon cycle in the ocean, employing a marine biogeochemist and modeler approach. Specifically, I work on the representation of alkalinity and calcium carbonate in Earth system models - used by the IPCC -, and implications for the ocean carbon cycle. You can explore my research on ResearchGate or Google Scholar, or you can delve into my thesis manuscript, which offers some surprises with sections where I engage with climate issues and the current research system.
My education
You can find my complete resume by clicking here
Ph.D. in Climate Science, Oceanography, and Marine Biogeochemistry from ENS - PSL
Master 2 WAPE (Water, Air, Pollution & Energy) - IP Paris :
Research training in oceanography, atmospheric sciences, biogeochemistry, and climatology
Graduate engineer from ESPCI Paris - PSL :
School of research and engineering in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology